Section 1.01. NAME. The name of the organization shall be HENDRICKS ISLE/ISLE OF
VENICE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, INC., hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
It shall be a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida.
Section 1.02. PURPOSE. The Bylaws shall govern the Association and its members and facilitate
the fulfillment of the purposes provided in the Articles of Incorporation. Specifically, the
Association has been formed for the purpose of addressing, protecting, and enhancing the lifestyle
of the residents and the property values within the geographic area of Hendricks Isle and the Isle
of Venice, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (the “Neighborhood”), and to foster and advance civic interests
and to address certain problems of concern.
Section 2.01. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a
Board of not less than three (3) nor more than fifteen (15) directors, the exact number to be
determined from time to time upon majority vote of the Board of Directors. To the extent that
there is a sufficient number of Members willing and eligible to serve on the Board of Directors,
the Board shall consist of approximately the same number of Directors from both Hendricks Isle
and Isle of Venice at any given time. Any vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by
majority vote of the remaining Board Members. Directors must be Members of the Association
and must be 18 years of age or older. Directors may not vote at Board meetings by proxy or by
secret ballot.
SECTION 2.02. AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD. The Board of Directors shall have the
powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Neighborhood and may
take all acts, through the proper officers of the Association, in executing such powers. Such
powers and duties of the Board of Directors shall include, without limitation (except as limited
elsewhere herein), the following:
(a) Determining the expenses required for the operation of the Association.
(b) Adopting and amending procedural rules and regulations concerning the operation
of the Association.2
(c) Maintaining bank account(s) on behalf of the Association and designating the
signatories required therefor.
(d) Organizing and appointing persons to act as designees or agents of the Association.
(e) Obtaining and reviewing insurance for the Association, to the extent applicable and
desired by the Board of Directors.
(f) Addressing, responding to, discussing, and voting upon (when applicable) various
matters and issues affecting or potentially affecting the Neighborhood.
(g) Exercising (i) all powers specifically set forth in the Articles, these By-Laws and
in the Florida Not-for-Profit Act (Chapter 617, Florida Statutes), (ii) all powers incidental
thereto, and (iii) all other powers of a Florida corporation not for profit.
SECTION 2.03. MEETINGS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Meetings of the Board of
Directors may be called from time to time by the President or by a majority of the Board, as needed.
Notice shall be provided to the Board Members not less than 72 hours in advance of the meeting
in writing or by email communication. Meetings may be held in person or virtually through
electronic means, or by a combination thereof.
SECTION 2.04. COMPENSATION. Neither Directors nor Officers shall receive compensation
for their services as such Directors and Officers shall be compensated for all actual and proper out
of pocket expenses relating to the proper discharge of their respective duties.
SECTION 3.01. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP. Any owner of a property located within
the Neighborhood is eligible for Membership in the Association upon full payment of the annual
dues. Properties owned by more than one person do not require additional memberships.
SECTION 3.02. MEMBERSHIP. Any person may become a member in the Association, upon
full payment of the annual dues. Membership entitles the person to a mailed or emailed copy of
any newsletter or other general communication created by the Board, and free participation in
Neighborhood events and meetings. Membership shall also include voting rights, when applicable.
SECTION 3.03. ANNUAL DUES. The amount required for annual dues shall be $50.00 each
year, unless changed by a majority vote of Board of Directors from time to time. Full payment of
the annual dues will entitle the property owner to full membership privileges for one (1) year from
the date of payment.
SECTION 3.04. VOTING RIGHTS. The full payment of the annual dues will entitle each
Member to one vote in all Association matters presented by the Board for vote.
SECTION 3.05. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the Association is
automatically terminated whenever the Member is in default of payment of Association’s annual
SECTION 3.06. RESIGNATION. Any Member may resign by filing a written resignation with
the Secretary of the Association. Any Member who no longer owns any property within the
Neighborhood shall automatically be deemed to have resigned his/her membership.
SECTION 4.01. OFFICERS. The Association shall initially have the following officers:
(a) President - Debby Eisinger
(b) Vice President – Mitchell Karpf
(c) Vice President – Frank Terzo
(d) Treasurer – Randy Aube
(e) Secretary – Salvatore Gavilan
SECTION 4.02. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The Officers shall be elected annually by
majority vote at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 4.03. TERM OF OFFICE. The Officers shall serve a one (1) year term, with no
limitation on future terms.
SECTION 4.04. DUTIES. The duties of the Officers are as follows:
(a) PRESIDENT. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the
Association and shall preside over all meetings, represent the Association on public occasions, and
create such committees from the membership as shall be deemed advisable for the effective
conduct of the work of the Association.
(b) VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President(s) shall assist the President as
needed, and represent the Association on appropriate occasions. The Vice President(s) shall also,
in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the power of the
President of the Association.
(c) TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect, safeguard, disburse and make
periodic reports of all funds collected and disbursed in the name of the Association.
(d) SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep attendance records and record the
proceedings of all meetings, maintain adequate records of the Association activities, and conduct
such official correspondence as shall be required.
(e) The duties of the Officers shall not be limited as enumerated above and are
in addition to such duties as are assigned by the Board of Directors.4
removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association at any time (excluding
the Officer to be removed). Upon the death, removal, resignation, or incapacity of an Officer of
the Association, a majority of the Board of Directors of the Association shall elect a successor.
SECTION 4.06. MANAGEMENT. The Association shall be managed by the Officers so elected,
with powers consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws of the Association.
SECTION 5.01. PLACE OF MEETINGS. Meetings of the Members shall be held at such place
determined by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors. Meetings may be held in
person or virtually through electronic means, or by a combination thereof.
SECTION 5.02. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular Members Meetings of the Association shall
be periodically held, at a time and place designated by the President or the majority of the Board.
SECTION 5.03. ANNUAL MEETING. An Annual Meeting of the Members shall be held in the
month of January each year, if possible. At such meeting, the Members shall receive reports on
the affairs of the Association and transact any other business which is within the power of the
Members. If an Annual Meeting has not been called and held within six (6) months after the time
designated for it, any member of the Board of Directors may call the Annual Meeting.
SECTION 5.04. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Written notice or email communication of each
meeting, stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting, shall be given by the Secretary of the
Association, or by the person authorized to call the meeting, to each Member of record entitled to
vote at the meeting. This notice shall be given at least seven (7) days before the date named for
the meeting.
SECTION 5.05. QUORUM. The Members present at any properly announced meeting shall
constitute a quorum at such meeting.
SECTION 6.01. VOTING. All issues requiring a vote by the Members shall be decided by a
majority vote of Members present at the meetings.
Directors of the Association may establish committees and/or chairpersons for committees as
deemed necessary to pursue its stated objectives.5
SECTION 8.01. EXPENDITURES. Expenditures of funds greater than Two Hundred and
00/100 ($200.00) Dollars in any month must be approved by majority vote of the Board of
Directors of the Association.
SECTION 8.02. FINANCIAL REPORTS. Annual Financial Reports shall be prepared by the
Treasurer and presented to the Members at the Annual Meeting.
SECTION 9.01. PROCEDURE. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of those
present at any regular meeting of the Members of the Board of Directors of the Association,
provided that seven (7) days written notice or email communication of the proposed amendment
and of the meeting is given to the Board Members.
SECTION 10.01. INDEMNIFICATION. The Association shall indemnify any Officer, Board
Member or agent of the Association who was or is a party to any proceeding as a result of that
person’s position as an Officer, Board Member or agent of the Association against expenses and
amounts claimed or paid, or actually and reasonably incurred in connection with the defense or
settlement of such proceeding, including any appeal thereof. Such indemnification shall be
authorized if such person acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be
in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Association, except that no indemnification shall be
made under this subsection with respect to any claim, issue, or matter as to which such person shall
have committed a criminal or fraudulent act, or if any court of competent jurisdiction shall
determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all
circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such
expenses. The indemnification provided for herein shall, in addition to the indemnity amount,
include all reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
These Bylaws are hereby adopted as of the 14th day of September, 2021.
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